Stainless Steel Air Fine Bubble Oxygen Diffuser Stones for Microalgae Photobioreactor and Aquaculture
(Photobioreactor) systems are devices that can contain and grow algae, cyanobacteria, and other photosynthetic organisms under heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions.
HENGKO nice bubble stainless steel micro air diffuser stone for photobioreactors. The photobioreactor adds our air stone, you can grow algae or Spirulina continuously with a very high yield. You will have one of the most optimized photobioreactors for maximum yield.
Stainless steel air fine bubble oxygen diffuser stones for microalgae Photobioreactor and Aquaculture

Air and CO2 are passed through a micron diffusion stone then sparged into the bottom of the tank, creating an airlift that circulates water throughout the tank. The aeration moves algae between brightly lit and cell shaded areas to ensure cells have regular access to light.